đ 20 libros de lectura en inglĂ©s (nivel C1)
Un lunes mĂĄs, nos dejamos caer por aquĂ para traeros un post cargadito de cosas interesantes. Esta semana, queremos dar por finiquitado el lote de post de 20 libros de lectura en inglĂ©s nivel C1 para este veranito, si querĂ©is leer libros del nivel B1, ya sabĂ©is que tenĂ©is vuestro post pinchando en el enlace. Si por el contrario, vais buscando un nivel un poco mĂĄs alto, no os preocupĂ©is, porque tambiĂ©n tenemos un post donde enumeramos 20 libros de lectura en inglĂ©s para el nivel B2. AdemĂĄs, podrĂ©is leer unas pautas para que asĂ sean mĂĄs fructĂferas vuestras lecturas veraniegas.
Esta semana, subimos un escalĂłn mĂĄs, y entramos de lleno en el high level del english, empezamos con los niveles C. AsĂ que, allĂĄ vamos.
1. Deadly Harvest:
Chief Inspector Jane Honeywell is a city detective who wonders why she has moved to a sleepy country town â nothing happens in Pilton. But then the rural peace and quiet is suddenly disturbed by a horrible murder. When Jane starts the dangerous pursuit of the killer, she discovers a more terrible plan in operation.
2. Freddieâs War:
Freddie is a working-class English boy who is desperate for more excitement in his life. When he reads about foreign volunteers heading to the war in Spain, he knows what he must do.
3. He Knows Too Much:
An English company executive in India is dismissed after he tries to uncover corruption within his company. He returns to England where his life falls apart and his marriage breaks up. Then he sets out on a one-man search for the truth behind his dismissal. He turns to the rich mystery and beauty of India and is finally forced to choose between love and revenge.
4. Pride and Perjudice:
This is a 19th century England romantic story of the rebellious Elizabeth Bennet, a strong-willed young woman and Mr. Darcy, a mysterious and arrogant wealthy man. Her unwillingness to marry him threatens the future of her family. The book was first published in 1813.
5. The Lord of the Flies:
The classic tale of a group of English school boys who are left stranded on an unpopulated island, and who must confront not only the defects of their society but the defects of their own natures.
6. Hard Times:
The world of Hard Times For These Times revolves around a small industrial town firmly in the grip of one businessman. Bounderby is owner of the local mill and Gradgrind, his employee, is the schoolmasterâtogether they define and enforce the townâs moral character with an iron fist. Many of the charactersâincluding Gradgrind eventuallyâtry and fail to resist Bounderbyâs influence, to their own demise. Published in 1854, the novel revealed Dickensâ sharpest views on capitalism and its questionable moral underpinnings and spurred significant critical debate among his contemporaries.
7. Murder Maker:
After being jilted by her lover, Carla is devastated and intends to seek revenge. She joins a self-help group for people in similar situations and there she meets three women who have been betrayed or abandoned by their husbands. Carla decides to rehearse her revenge on these men and starts by buying a ticket to Cuba
8. The Way Home:
Seven journeys which change lives for ever. New York fashion buyer returns to her English home. Successful author meets an old friend. A reporter travels to an execution. Lorry driver gives an escaped prisoner a lift. A taxi driver picks up âBruce Leeâ. A manâs love for a tram driver leads him to follow her. And four strangers meet at a motel for the first and last time.
9. The Lighthouse:
A secure and secluded retreat for the rich and powerful becomes the setting for an unsettling series of murders.Combe Island off the Cornish coast is a restful haven for the elite. But when one of its distinguished visitors is found hanging from the islandâs famous lighthouse in what appears to have been a murder, the peace is shattered. Commander Adam Dalgliesh is called in to handle the sensitive case, but at a difficult time for him and his depleted team. He is uncertain about his future with his girlfriend Emma Lavenham; his principle detective Kate Miskin is going through an emotional crisis; and the ambitious Sergeant Francis Benton-Smith is not happy about having a female boss. After a second brutal killing, the whole investigation is jeopardized, and Dalgliesh is faced with a danger even more insidious than murder.
10. Vanity Fair:
When Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley leave school, their feet are set on very different paths. Kind, foolish Amelia returns to her comfortable home and wealthy family, to await a suitable marriage, while Becky must look out for herself, earning her own living in a hard world. But Becky is neither kind nor foolish, and with her quick brain and keen eye for a chance, her fortunes soon rise, while Ameliaâs fall.
11. This time itâs personal:
Crime becomes personal for New York private investigator Nathan Marley as he tries to prove the innocence of murder suspect JosĂ© â a member of his assistant Stellaâs family. As unidentified bodies are washed up on a beach, the search for proof takes him into the heart of the New York Russian-American community. Marley must work quickly to save JosĂ© and find the real criminals
12. A Dangerous sky:
Eighteen-year-old Francesca comes to England to achieve her life-long ambition of learning to fly. The first lessons go really well and Doug, her instructor, describes her as a natural pilot. But when Dougâs actions lead Francesca to question his motives, she starts to lose her confidence. Her dream of independence in the sky is in danger.
13. Nelsonâs Dream:
Nelson Mbizi returns to his home in southern Africa after studying in Britain. When he tries to help a family of orphans he meets Viki, a South African TV presenter. The story of Nelson and Vikiâs relationship is told against a background of HIV/AIDS and government corruption on the one hand, and great good humour and wonderful music on the other.
14. Selected Stories by Edgar Allan Poe:
Reading Classics is series of 19th and 20th-century classics from the world of British and American literature edited by Paolo Bertinetti, Dean of the Faculty of Modern Languages at the University of Turin.
15. Solo Saxophone:
In the early 1990s Katy, a young reporter, arrives in Sarajevo, a city under siege, and receives conflicting advice from two colleagues. âOf all the wars Iâve been in,â a news cameraman tells her, âthis is the one where itâs not possible to âbe objectiveâ. You canât be objective about whatâs going on here.â âThis is not my war or your war,â an Italian journalist explains. âWe just report what we see, but we stay outside it, canât get too involved. We mustnât get too near.â But Katy does get too near.
16. The Ghost:
When British Prime Minister Adam Langâs ghost writer, Michael McAra, dies in mysterious circumstances, a new writer is brought in to write Langâs autobiography. But it soon becomes clear that Lang and his wife Ruth are a much more complicated couple than they first appear. The Ghost is a powerful commentary on the policies employed by the British government in the âWar on Terrorâ.
17. Macbeth:
This retold version of William Shakespeareâs Scottish story of witchcraft and murder is written as a play script and includes original extracts. Macbethâs bloody rise to power is encouraged by his wife, Lady Macbeth. Like her husband, Lady Macbethâs ambition leads her into a dark world of guilt and madness which slowly destroys their marriage, and ends in tragedy.
18. The Grapes of Wrath:
Steinbeckâs most powerful novel describes the lives of a homeless farming family as they travel across America in the Great Depression of the 1930s. The family face hardship and hostility at every step of the way as they struggle to survive in a country where kindness seems no longer to exist.
19. Bleak House:
It is 1852 and three young people meet for the first time in the High Court of Chancery. They are the latest victims to be caught in the long-running court case of Jarndyce vs Jarndyce. A case which has caused the financial and moral breakdown of many previous claimants.
20. The cut glass bowl and other stories:
Five short stories set in America in the 1920s and 1940s. The Cut-Glass Bowl,Bernice Bobs Her Hair,Gretchenâs Forty Winks, Magnetism and Three Hours Between Planes.
1. Escoger correctamente un libro que sea de nuestro nivel.
2. Disponer de un lĂĄpiz, libreta y diccionario a mano.
3. Anotar toda palabra que desconozcamos para buscarla en el diccionario.
4. Realizar una segunda lectura en voz alta grabĂĄndonos.
5. Al finalizar, escuchar el audio para reconocer aquellos errores de speaking que cometemos.
Pues con esto hemos terminado hoy, esperamos que os haya gustado estos 20 libros de lectura en inglés nivel C1 y os anime a leer en verano que es una época estupenda.
ÂżRecomendarĂais la saga de Harry Potter para reforzar el nivel C? ÂżO es mĂĄs bien para el B2? Gracias.
ÂżDrĂĄcula de Bram Stoker, entrarĂa dentro de esta categorĂa?
SĂ, tambiĂ©n es una buena opciĂłn. La idea es reforzar los conocimientos de inglĂ©s de una manera diferente a estudiar frente a un libro de gramĂĄtica y vocabulario. ÂĄEspero que disfrutes del libro! đ
SĂ, podrĂa ser una opciĂłn. Sobretodo la idea es reforzar los conocimientos de inglĂ©s de una manera diferente a estudiar frente a un libro de gramĂĄtica y vocabulario. ÂĄEspero que disfrutes del libro! Y nos vemos en el siguiente post đ
EstĂĄ genial este post, solo quisiera saber, Âżdonde puedo encontrar el link de descarga?.
Porque dice al principio que estĂĄ un link de descarga, pero no logro encontrarlo.
Es una gema este blog, no sé porqué no tiene la popularidad debida y de antemano, gracias.
Muchas gracias Humberto por tus bonitas palabras a nuestro blog, nuestra finalidad es que os sirva y disfrutéis con nuestras entradas.
Con respecto al link de descarga, discĂșlpanos, pero no encuentro donde hemos puesto esa opciĂłn. QuizĂĄs se haya confundido con los enlaces que llevan a otras entradas donde puede ver recomendaciones a libros de otros niveles. Ya me dice.
Espero que siga leyendo nuestras nuevas entradasâŠÂĄnos vemos en el siguiente post! đ
Hola , tengo 3 mese aprendiendo ingles, actualmente estoy en nivel medio alto y no tengo problemas para leer esto libros, puedo entenderlos en un 90% pero hoy trate de leer una canciĂłn de hielo y fuego de george MartĂn (Games of thrones ) pero no pude leerlo , me tomo mas de 5 minutos poder leer una pagina y comprenderla , ustedes que me recomendarĂan para poder leer esta obras literarias ya que quiero leer los 6 libros pero con mi nivel actual no puedo, los libros que recomendo ya leĂ 2 completos .
El salto de estas lecturas adaptadas a la literatura real puede ser abismal. Yo te recomiendo pasar a leer autores que sean fåciles de leer en español, como Paulo Coelho, por ejemplo, independientemente de sus cualidades literarias. «Veronica decides to die» o «The witch of portobello» son muy asequibles (versión original en inglés, nada de adaptaciones). Un poco mås de nivel tiene «The catcher in the rye» de Salinger y un paso mås lo puedes dar con los libros de Patricia Highsmith «The Talented Mr. Ripley» y «Strangers on a Train» (en ese orden).
Iâve just come across with this great blog and I wonder if there is any way of downloading this books. Otherwise I would feel grateful if someone forward me to a link in which I could buy them.
Thank you in advance