Would you like to introduce yourself to Korean?

Would you like to introduce yourself to Korean?
- The basics
- There are several ways to say ‘goodbye’ in Korean
- Feelings
- Food
Have you ever been interested in learning Korean? If so, let’s start with the basic Korean greetings and phrases! Learn how to say “Hello”, “Thank you”, “Happy Birthday”, “Good morning” and “Good evening” in the Korean language with transliteration of Korean characters to help you speak it like a native speaker. You will surely surprise your friends and it will be highly appreciated by any native speaker!
The basics
- “Hello” or “Hello”
안녕 (Annyeong)
- “Thank you” in Korean
감사 합니다 (Gamsahabnida)
This is a formal but thorough way of offering your gratitude. South Korea holds courtesy in high regard, so you will definitely want to learn this to express gratitude and respect.
- You’re welcome ”in Korean 천만 에요 (Cheonmaneyo).
It is not often that Koreans respond to a “thank you” with “you’re welcome”, but if you want to show more courtesy, you can include this phrase. Normally a simple and humble 아닙니다 a (ah-nib-nee-da) is enough, which means “it’s nothing”.
- “Goodbye”
안녕 (Ahn-nyung) / 안녕히 계세요 (Ahn-nyung-hee geh-seh-yo) / 안녕히 가세요 (Ahn-nyung-hee gah-seh-yo)
There are several ways to say “goodbye” in Korean.
안녕 is used for informal situations with friends and family, for example. Korean differentiates between saying goodbye before you are about to leave a situation and when the other person leaves. The first is 안녕히 계세요 (which literally translates to “please stay well”) and the second is 안녕히 가세요 (which literally translates to “please go well”).
- Goodnight
잘자요 (Jaljayo)
- Happy Birthday
생일 축하 해요 (Saeng-il chughahaeyo)
- “I’m sorry”
미안 해요 (Mianhaeyo)
- “Excuse me” in Korean
실례 합니다 (Shil-leh-hap-nee-da) / 잠시만 요 (Jam-shi-mahn-yo). 실례 합니다 is a great phrase to use in those situations where you would like to draw someone’s attention in a courteous way. 잠시만 요 literally translates to “wait a minute”, however it can be used when passing someone by accident.
- “I love you in korean
사랑 해요 (Salanghaeyo)
- “Miss you”
보고 싶어요 (Bogo sip-eoyo)
- “Good luck / Go ahead!”
화이팅 (H waiting)
- “cute”
귀여워요 (Gwiyeowoyo)
- “Handsome / handsome / cool”
멋있어요 (Meos-iss-eoyo)
- “Uff, I’m tired” in Korean (talking to close friends or family)
아 〜 피곤해 〜! (A〜pigonhae〜!)
- “I’m sleepy” (talking to close friends or family)
졸려 (Jollyeo)
South Korea is a food lover’s paradise. On every street, you are sure to find places that sell everything from traditional Korean foods to delicious Korean street food.
- “I’m hungry” (talking to friends or family)
배고파 (Baegopa)
- “I will eat well” (a phrase used to thank someone for a meal, before eating)
잘 먹겠 습니다 (Jal meokgesseumnida)
- “It’s tasty”
이거 맛있어요 (Igeo mas-iss-eoyo)
- “Thanks for the food”
잘 먹었 습니다 (Jal meogeossseumnida)