What to write on a greetings card

What to write on a greetings card
When a person stands out especially in his task, when he celebrates his birthday or an anniversary of any kind, he likes to receive from his closest relatives, his friends or colleagues, a greeting card with a warm message, better written by hand Because this is how warmth and sincerity are shown, it is undoubtedly the perfect way to honor that person and recognize their achievements.
In this guide article, you will find inspiration and suggestions that are the ingredients of a personal message that serve a variety of occasions and recipients of greetings.
Forms of congratulations
The gesture of sending a greeting card almost says it all by itself. And sometimes the printed message on the card says a lot, too. But you can add warmth and personality with just a few words.
More casual
- “Congratulations and BRAVO!”. (“¡Felicitaciones y BRAVO!”).
- “This calls for celebrating! Congratulations!” (“¡Esto exige celebrar! ¡Felicidades!”).
- “You did it! So proud of you!” (“¡Lo hiciste! ¡Estoy tan orgulloso de ti! “)
- “I knew it was only a matter of time. Well done!” (“Sabía que era solo cuestión de tiempo. ¡Bien hecho!”).
More formal
- “Congratulations on your well-deserved success.” (“Felicitaciones por su bien merecido éxito”).
- “Heartfelt congratulations to you.” (“Mis más sinceras felicitaciones”).
- “Warmest congratulations on your achievement.” (“Las más sinceras felicitaciones por su logro”).
- “Congratulations and best wishes for your next adventure!” (“¡Felicitaciones y mejores deseos para su próxima aventura!”).
- “So pleased to see you accomplishing great things.” (“Me alegro mucho de verte lograr grandes cosas”.).
Writing Tip : The above examples don’t mention a specific accomplishment, but if possible, you should. Your message will mean even more when you congratulate your recipient specifically for achieving a good job, opening their new business … or whatever the case may be.
Happy for You
- “I’m happy for you!” (“¡Estoy feliz por ti!”) Es también un mensaje entusiasta para exponer en una tarjeta de felicitaciones. Con esta fórmula de felicitación es imposible equivocarse al decirle a alguien que está feliz por lo que ha logrado.
More casual
- “Hope you’re thrilled about your new job! I sure am happy for you!”(“¡Espero que esté encantado con su nuevo trabajo! ¡Seguro que estoy feliz por ti!).
- “Hooray! We just couldn’t be happier for you!” (“¡Hurra! ¡No podríamos estar más felices por ti!”).
- “It makes me so happy to think about your promotion. It couldn’t have come to a more deserving person.” (“Me hace muy feliz pensar en tu promoción. No podría haber llegado a una persona más merecedora”).
More formal
- “Feeling so much joy for you today. What an impressive achievement!”. (“Siento tanta alegría por ti hoy. ¡Qué logro tan impresionante!”),
- “We hope you can feel all the pride and happiness surrounding you as you head off to medical school.” (“Esperamos que puedas sentir todo el orgullo y la felicidad que te rodean mientras te diriges a la escuela de medicina”).
- “Simply overjoyed to hear your good news.” (“Simplemente encantado de escuchar sus buenas noticias”).
Writing Tip : A “happy for you” thought “happy for you” can stand alone, but it also works well as part of a longer congratulatory message.
A great achievement is a perfect opportunity to remind someone how talented, hardworking, and deserving they are. A little achievement is a good excuse, too! (A small achievement is also a good excuse!).
More casual
- “You’ve worked so hard for this. Congrats!” (“Has trabajado tan duro para esto. ¡Felicidades!”).
- “This is awesome! You’re awesome! Way to go!” (“¡Esto es asombroso! ¡Eres increíble! ¡Camino a seguir!”).
- “Congratulations to my favorite new home owner! With your touch, it’s going to look amazing!”(“¡Felicitaciones a mi nuevo propietario favorito! ¡Con tu toque, se verá increíble! “).
- “Bet you thought no one would notice you’ve hit your goal 30 days in a row. Well, I did, and I’m impressed. Here’s to your streak! Keep it up!” (“Apuesto a que pensaba que nadie se daría cuenta de que había alcanzado su objetivo durante 30 días seguidos. Bueno, lo hice y estoy impresionado. ¡Aquí está tu racha! ¡Seguid así!”).
More formal
- “Sincere congratulations on your hard-earned success.” (“Sinceras felicitaciones por su éxito ganado con tanto esfuerzo”.)
- “You are proof that good things come to those who are willing to sacrifice to reach a worthwhile goal. Words can’t express how proud I am!” (“Eres una prueba de que las cosas buenas les llegan a quienes están dispuestos a sacrificarse para alcanzar una meta que valga la pena. ¡Las palabras no pueden expresar lo orgulloso que estoy!”).
- “You have the creativity and determination to do whatever you can dream. I hope you feel proud today and confident in your ability to rise to your next challenge.”(“Tienes la creatividad y la determinación para hacer todo lo que puedas soñar. Espero que se sienta orgulloso hoy y confiado en su capacidad para enfrentar su próximo desafío”).
- “Celebrating the dedication you’ve shown on the way to this achievement. You’ve earned every bit of the success you’re enjoying.” (“Celebrando la dedicación que ha demostrado en el camino hacia este logro. Te has ganado todo el éxito que estás disfrutando”).
Writing Tip: The more specific the compliment, the more meaningful, the more meaningful it will make to the recipient.
Looking to the future
The success of a friend or loved one provides an opportunity, not only to celebrate the moment, but also to encourage them and look forward to future successes.
More casual
- “I’ve got a feeling this is only the beginning of even more great things to come for you!”. (“¡Tengo la sensación de que esto es solo el comienzo de aún más cosas grandiosas por venir para ti!”).
- “Celebrating the record you just set and looking forward to watching you cross your next finish line (“¡Celebrando el récord que acabas de establecer y esperando verte cruzar tu próxima línea de meta!).
- “Congratulations on your new place! Can’t wait to see you make it your own.” (“¡Felicitaciones por tu nuevo lugar! No puedo esperar a que lo hagas tuyo “).
More formal
- “I’m sure today will be only the first of many proud moments for you at your new firm.” (“Estoy seguro de que hoy será solo el primero de muchos momentos de orgullo para usted en su nueva firma”).
- “Sending you heartfelt congratulations today and wishing you all the best on your next project.” (“Hoy le enviamos nuestras más sinceras felicitaciones y le deseamos todo lo mejor en su próximo proyecto”).
- “I commend you on this latest success, and I look forward to seeing even more great things from you.” ( “Los felicito por este último éxito y espero ver aún más cosas maravillosas de ustedes”).
Face-to-face compliments can embarrass some people, but a written message takes some of that immediacy away. That is the beauty of a card.
Finally, we want to remind you that you can access the calls for any official exam through the number 1 online platform.