Level B1 of Valencian

The B1 level certificate accredits a command of the use of the language, both oral and written as an independent user, which enables the tasks to be carried out and the social communication situations typical of everyday life to be faced.
The person who opts for this certificate must be able to understand the main ideas of clear information on general and everyday topics; cope with most of the situations that may arise when traveling to an area where the target language is spoken; produce a coherent speech on familiar or personal topics, facts, events, wishes, ambitions, and experiences, and give reasons and explanations of opinions and projects in a short way, or do a mediation.
Exam structure
Area | Value | Duration |
Oral comprehension area | 25% | ± 20 minutes |
Written comprehension area | 25% | 1 hour |
Written expression area | 25% | 50 minutes |
Oral expression and interaction area | 25% | ± 25 minutes |
Oral comprehension
Can understand main ideas and specifics of a standard language intervention when talking about everyday matters related to work, school, leisure time, etc.
- Understand most of the information that is said in everyday conversations or in their immediate environment.
- Understand conversations about everyday matters.
- Is able to understand specific information from messages and announcements of a general and technical nature, and to follow detailed instructions.
- Can identify and understand, in general, information from television or audiovisual excerpts (including films) when they deal with everyday matters.
- Can use the linguistic and extralinguistic context as a means to increase understanding.
- You can properly understand the general nuances of intonation, pronunciation, rhythm, and accent.
Written comprehension
He is able to understand most written texts of any type (dialogues, descriptive, informative and instructive), as long as they deal with a well-known topic.
- Can understand dialoged general texts written in a standard register.
- Understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal writings, to maintain regular correspondence with friends.
- Is able to locate and understand relevant information in texts related to everyday life, such as letters, brochures and short official documents
- You can understand instructional texts, such as directions to a location or instructions for using devices, if they are simple and clearly written.
- Able to recognize essential points from newspaper articles on familiar topics.
Written expression and interaction
Is able to write coherent texts in order to convey or request general information.
- He is able to write texts about himself or about imaginary people (where they live, what they do …).
- Write relatively short texts in a conventional standard format, in order to provide information and explain the reasons for action. Is able to tell stories in writing.
- Is able to make descriptions related to common topics in their field of interest : an event, a trip both real and imagined, an experience, feelings and reactions.
- You can paraphrase written passages using primarily the original words in the text and rearranging the photo.
- You can take notes, such as a list of key points, during a general or everyday lecture.
- Able to write personal letters, emails, etc., in an informal or not too formal context.
Oral expression and interaction
- Can interact and understand and use familiar and everyday expressions to meet general needs.
- Create oral texts on general topics.
- Ask and answer questions on everyday or general topics.
- React to interlocutor interventions in general communication areas.
- You can make simple narratives or descriptions quite fluently using a linear sequence of elements. You can explain your experiences in detail and describe your feelings and reactions.
- Interact in a daily conversation if the interlocutor expresses himself clearly, everything and that, at times, he has to ask them to repeat certain words or expressions.
- You can interact with a certain security in situations in which you talk about familiar topics that may or may not be habitual, related to your interests and your professional area. You can exchange, check and confirm information, deal with less common situations and explain why you have a difficulty.
- Is able to produce and use well-constructed texts applying the basic rules of textual cohesion, and to use the most frequent connectors and general anaphoric mechanisms
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