Connectors in English: how to use them to succeed in writing?

Connectors in English: how to use them to succeed in writing?
The connectors in English , also called conjunctive words, words linking two similar elements in a sentence. Logical connectors are used to join or connect two ideas that have a particular relationship. These relationships can be: sequential (time), reason and purpose, adversative (opposition, contrast and / or unexpected result), condition.
In these lines we will talk about connectors in English: How to use them to succeed in writing? Link words in English or logical connectors are those words included in a body of text to specify the construction of the narrative of a story.
The need to use them well
Connectors execute the joins that allow you to link an English sentence. They relate the words to indicate cause and effect, condition etc. Learning to use them properly orally and in writing is of vital importance because it gives you the ability to express yourself with total precision. In summary, it allows you to improve your English a lot with very little effort.
How to use the connectors?
Learn to use the connectors correctly. Connectors are an important tool for writing fluently in English. Its purpose is to join information within a sentence. Using connectors correctly will help ensure that the meaning of your sentences is clear for readers to understand.
One way to think of connectors is that they link sentences together, helping the reader to follow the meaning of the sentence. Connectors are sometimes used to start a sentence, while other times they can be placed in the middle position of a sentence:
- Simple connectors: (called conjunctions): and, but, or.
- Complex connectors: however, therefore, although, unless, subsequently.
Connectors should provide additional information to the reader. They can do this by emphasizing contrasting meanings, adding reason or cause, and showing the sequence.
What connectors should I avoid?
Some connectors are not suitable for letter writing. These include:
- Academic connectors : in addition,
- Informal connectors : also, like, meanwhile, like this.
Also, you should be careful about using unnecessary connectors in your sentences. Try removing the connector and if the sentence still makes sense then you are using a connector when it is unnecessary. Avoid this when it is important to write efficiently without words that the reader does not need.
For example: Additionally, Ms. Jones will need to attend a follow-up appointment within 3 days. (Además, la Sra. Jones deberá asistir a una cita de seguimiento dentro de 3 días).
Instead, you could simply write: Ms. Jones will need to attend a follow-up appointment within 3 days. (La Sra. Jones deberá asistir a una cita de seguimiento dentro de 3 días).
Connector List
When you start learning a language, you start by creating short phrases, for example, “I like coffee.” The next step in the learning process is to link this phrase to another, for example, “I like coffee and I like tea.” The word “and” is what we call a connector, and it is one of the first connectors you learn . There are many more connectors, all of which can significantly enrich your conversational English. So what other connectors are there?
- Addition = adición
- Time = hora
- Sequence = secuencia
- Contrast = contraste
- Condition = condición
- Reason = razón
- Result = resultado
Let’s look at each of these functions.
ADDITION – and, more, additionally, additionally, additionally, also, as well as.
We can use addition connectors when we want to add one phrase to another or give extra information. Obviously, the most common of these is “and”, while the other addition connectors give a bit more emphasis and are also more common in written English. Here are some examples:
- They like English and study a lot. (Les gusta el inglés y estudian mucho).
- He’s well-qualified, plus he’s very charismatic. (Está bien calificado, además de ser muy carismático).
- The house is beautiful. Furthermore, the price is low. (La casa es hermosa. Además, el precio es bajo)
- Sport is fun. Moreover, it’s a great way to socialize. (El deporte es divertido. Además, es una excelente manera de socializar).
We can use time connectors to link actions that happened at the same time. The connectors “when” and “how” have a very similar meaning. We generally use ” while ” for a longer action, especially with a continuous form.
For example:
- When we arrived we sat down at our desks. (Cuando llegamos, nos sentamos en nuestros escritorios).
- I watched television while I was ironing. (Vi la televisión mientras planchaba).
- It started to rain just as I went out. (Empezó a llover justo cuando salí).
CONTRAST – but, nevertheless, although, nevertheless, despite, while, while.
These connectors can link two contrasting ideas . “But (pero)” and “however (sin embargo)”. Although “however” gives more emphasis to the contrast and is more common at the beginning of a sentence. The “although” and “though” connectors are also very similar, with the only difference being their position. “Although” can be at the beginning, middle or end of a sentence, while “though” cannot be used at the end of a sentence. Here are some examples:
- They like pasta but they don’t like rice. (Les gusta la pasta pero no el arroz).
- It’s a nice city and it’s fun for a holiday. However, I wouldn’t like to live there. (Es una ciudad bonita y divertida para unas vacaciones. Sin embargo, no me gustaría vivir allí).
- She studies quite a lot though she could do more. (Ella estudia bastante aunque podría hacer más).
CONDITION –provided, unless, otherwise
When we want to express the idea that something can happen only under certain conditions, we can use conditional connectors. For example:
- You can play video games as long as you tidy your room first. (Puedes jugar videojuegos siempre que primero ordenes tu habitación).
- Unless the economy improves, interest rates will go down again. (A menos que la economía mejore, las tasas de interés volverán a bajar).
REASON –because, like, because of, so (that), in order to
When we want to explain the reason for something, we must use this group of connectors, the most common of which is “because”. For example:
- Many people study English because it’s important for their jobs. (Mucha gente estudia inglés porque es importante para su trabajo).
- Due to heavy traffic we arrived half an hour late. Debido al tráfico denso llegamos media hora tarde)
RESULT – so, therefore, as a result, consequently
When you want to express the consequence of an action, use result connectors. They all have a similar meaning, although “then” is more common in spoken English and is more informal. The others are more appropriate in a formal written context. Here are some examples:
- I’d forgotten my car keys so I had to go back into the office to get them. (Había olvidado las llaves de mi coche, así que tuve que volver a la oficina a buscarlas).
- Last year’s results were excellent, therefore you will all receive a bonus. (Los resultados del año pasado fueron excelentes, por lo que todos recibirán una bonificación).
- Crime rates are increasing. As a result the government is going to hire more police officers. (Las tasas de criminalidad están aumentando. Como resultado, el gobierno va a contratar más policías).
Learn and remember all these tricks when you take your official exam. In addition, and if you want to consult the next calls, here we leave you exammenexam , the best platform of the moment.