Difference between adjectives and possessive pronouns in French – Elblogdeidiomas.es

Difference between adjectives and possessive pronouns in French

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Adjectifs and pronoms possessifs in French


  • Example. Causerie sur le cheveux
  • Possessive pronouns
  • What is the function of a possessive pronoun?
  • Difference between possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns

The possessive adjective indicates to whom the person, animal or thing belongs, like the article, it is always placed before the noun. Also, match the noun (masculine, feminine, or plural). The possessive adjective expresses the link that exists between two beings or between a being and an object.

Before a feminine noun that begins with a silent oh vowel, you must use a masculine possessive adjective: mon echape (féminim) son adresse (féminim), mon huile (féminim)

Examples. Causerie sur les cheveux ( Talk about hair)

  • De quelle couleur sont vos cheveux, Monsieur Durand?

What color is your hair, Mr. Durand?

  • Mes cheveux sont noirs

I have it black (my hair is black)

  • Et le vôtres , Monsieur Brun?

And you Mr. Brun?

  • Eh bien! Les miens sont dejá blanc

Well, I have it white .

  • Je vous demand well pardon, Monsieur Brun, mais ils sont plus exactement poivre et sel, ou gris.

Excuse me (I beg your pardon), Mr. Brun, but more exactly you have it as salt and pepper, or gray

  • Et que dites-vous de la couleur des cheveux d’Alice?

And what do you say about Alicia’s hair color?

  • Alice est rousse .

Alicia has it Ginger (she’s redhead)

  • Mon Dieu non¿ Alice n’est pas rousse, pas le moins du monde, Elle est du plus beau châtain que l’on puisse imaginer,

No, my God! Alicia is not a redhead, I don’t think so. She has the most beautiful brown hair you can imagine (it is the most …).

  • Je vous remercie. Monsieur. Je suis parfaitement d’accord avec vous. Excusez-moi, Alice, Je suis malé squeezed, car je ne conaissais pas le terme chatain

Excuse me Alicia. I have expressed myself badly because I did not know the term chestnut.

  • Je vous en prie, laissons cella. Vous étes en débutant comme moi.

No need, let’s leave that. You are a beginner, like me.

  • Et maintenant, s’il vous plaît, alerdez-moi. De quelle couleur sont les miens?

And now please look at me. What color are mine?

  • Eh bien, je ne pourrais pas vous le dire, Monsieur.

Well, I wouldn’t know how to tell you, sir.

  • En effet, vous avez raison. Autrefois, ils étaient blonds. Ensuite, ils devinrent gray, puis tombèrent. Maintenant mon crâne est parfaitement chauve .

That’s right, (indeed) you are right. Once he was blond. Then it turned gray and then (it) fell off. Now my head is perfectly bald.

  • C’est trés à la mode, Monsieur.

It is very fashionable gentleman

  • Je vous remercie.

Thank you

(You may have noticed that in French the word Monsieur (gentleman) is used much more than in Spanish.

meMon brasMyMes bras
meMa mainmyMes mains
YouTon brasYourTes bras
youTa mainYourTes mains
HisThey are brasTheirSes bras
HisSa maintheirSes mains
OurNotre brasOurNos bras
OurNotre mainOurNos mains
YourVotre brasYourVos bras
YourVotre mainYourVos mains
HisLeur brasTheirLeurs bras
itsLeur maintheirLeurs mains

Remember that…

Let us remember that votre and vos mean not only yours respectively but also his and their respectively, yours. That is, the second person plural is also the form of courtesy.

Vice versa, Spanish (their) has several reductions in French: son (bras), sa (main); votre (bras, main); leur (bras main).

Possessive pronouns

Possessive pronouns are used alone ; they do not complete a noun, but rather replace it. The name they replace is usually present in a previous sentence or in another part of the same sentence. These pronouns agree in gender and number with the noun they replace.

It refers to an object owned and its owner. The link between the possessed object and the possessor expresses the property, the logic of the report, the origin or the continuity.


  • Prête-moi ton pull, ils ont oublié le mien

Lend me your sweater, they have forgotten mine

As in Spanish, they differ somewhat from the respective adjectives

Le mienLa mienneLes miensLes miennes
Le tienLa tienneLes tiensLes tiennes
Le sienLa sienne,Les siensLes siennes
Le nôtreLa nôtreLes nôtresLes nôtres
Le vôtreLa vôtreLes vôtresLes vôtres
Le vôtreLa vôtreLes vôtresLes vôtres
Le leurLa leurLes leursLes leurs

 What is the function of the possessive pronoun?

 The possessive pronoun marks belonging, possession . Like other pronouns, it replaces a noun or a nominal group. As a general rule, it is composed of a definite article (the, or them) and the word mine, yours, his, ours, yours or theirs. The possessive pronoun agrees in gender and number (masculine, feminine, plural) with the noun it replaces.

Difference between possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns

Possessive pronoun (masculine singular) : mine, yours, theirs, ours, yours, theirs, etc. While the adjective always qualifies a noun : my (adj) teacher (name), your (adj) computer (name), etc. the pronoun replaces a noun, it can be used alone:

  • Tes problèmes sont plus importants que les miens.

Your problems are more important than mine.

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