What do you need to know before travelling to Italy?

If you have started in the study of Italian and you already plan to take a trip to get to know its people, their language, and dialects closely.
In this article and with the intention of helping you move with ease through Italian cities we will help you to know simple phrases, with which you will surely be able to get out of some troubles on your vacation.
Through the streets of Rome
- Dove stai andando? / Where are you going?
- Mi scusi / Excuse me
- Dove soon? / Where am I?
- Mi potete aiutare per favore? / Can you help me, please?
- Con il tuo permesso / With your permission
- C’è un bar / hotel da queste parti? / Is there a bar/hotel around here?
- Attenti al cane / Beware of the dog.
- Vai in pace / Go in peace.
Buy in a market
- Quanto? / How much does it cost?
- È molto costoso / It is very expensive.
- Prendilo / Take It.
- Non male questo vino / beer / This wine / beer is not bad.
How to get around the city
It is never easy to get around an unfamiliar place. In the cities that must be visited during a vacation in Italy, it is important to know the essential phrases to get around without difficulty.
- Dov’è il negotiazio di alimentai più vicino ? / Where is the nearest grocery store?
- Andiamo in Spiaggia in bicicletta / We go by bicycle to the beach.
- Prendiamo or pullmandin per arrivare a casa / Let’s take the bus to get home
- Fare attenzione a non inciampare sui binari del tram / Be careful not to trip over the tram tracks.
There are many cities that must be visited in Italy and, in each of them, you can find monuments of great historical and artistic relevance. This is a list of the most important ones you should visit on your vacation in Italy… obviously asking for information in dialect!
- Mi piasarìa vedè la Maduina! / I would like to see the Madonnina on the Duomo!
- I bbiancone l’è proprio bellino / The statue of the God Neptune is really beautiful.
- Anvedi com’è granne il Colosseo! / Look how impressive the Colosseum is!
- Vir o mare quant’è bell! / Go see how beautiful the view of the Gulf of Naples is!
Useful phrases in the hotel
If you are staying in a hotel during your holidays in Italy, here are some phrases from the Italian dialects that might be useful to you.
- Puoi lasciare il cappotto sull’ometto / You can leave the coat on the hanger.
- Avete bisogno di un altro mannile? : Do you need another towel?
- Vuoi una cuttunina per dormire? / Do you want a blanket to sleep on?
- The posada più vicina si trova a paio di chilometri da qui / The closest hotel is a couple of kilometers from here.
Meet people
Italians, you know, are people who love to talk and meeting people will not be a problem. But to make sure you don’t misunderstand what they tell you, learn a few phrases in Italian dialects.
- Ti presento un mio amìs / I introduce you to a friend.
- Bazzichi spesso questo bar ? / Do you come to this bar often?
- Cerea! / See you soon!
- È stato un piazér conoscerti / It was a pleasure meeting you.