Adverbs in French grammar

We call an adverb (abbreviation adv) a category of word or a segment (adverbial phrase) that is added to a verb, adjective, or another adverb, to modify or clarify its meaning.
For example: rapidement, lentement, courageusement rápido, lento, valiente. For example Ils sont rentrés rapidement They came home quickly.
Adverb function
The usual function of the adverb is to complete (or modify or clarify) the meaning of a word or phrase (most of the time, a verb, an adjective, or another adverb).
Formation of adverbs ending in …
Adjectives ending in a consonant, an adverb generally formed over the feminine of the adjective:
Faux | ausse | faussment |
Franc | fanche | franchement |
Heureux | heureuse | heureusement |
Long | longue | longuement |
Précis | précise | précisément |
Profond | profonde | profondément |
Adjectives ending in –e:
Large | largement | |
Pauvre | pauvrement | |
Rapide |
Adjectives ending in another vowel
Absolu | absolment | absolu |
Aisé | aisément | aisé |
Gai | gaie | gaiement | |
Dû | due | dûment | |
Fou / fol |
| follement |
Adjectives ending in –ant / -ent, adverb ending in -amment / -emment
Abondant | abondamment |
Évident | évidemment |
Fréquent | fréquemment |
Puissant | puissamment |
Violent | violemment |
Remember that
The adverb “only” is translated in French by seulement
- Il ya seulement quelques minutes que je suis arrivé.
It’s only been a few minutes since I arrived.
Compare with the adjective “solo (a)”:
- Il (elle était seul (e) quand on lui a annoncé la nouvelle.
You were alone when they gave you the news.
“Solo” also translates the restrictive French twist ne… which:
- Je n’ai que dix minutes à vous consacrer.
I can only dedicate ten minutes.
- Elle vient d mourir, elle n’avait que vingt ans.
He died when he was only twenty years old.
The French adverb retains its ending in -ment when several adverbs follow it:
- Nous avons bavardé longuement et agréablement.
We chatted long and pleasantly
If some adjectives used as adverbs in both languages do not undergo modification (parler bas, hablar bajo, crier fort, gritar fuerte), other Spanish adjectives also used as adverbs should be translated into French by the corresponding adverbs in –ment:
- Speak up, please.
Parler clairement s’il te plaît.
- Breath deeply.
Respirez profondément.
- Time goes by faster and faster.
Le temps passe de plus en plus rapidement.
Place of the adverb
When it comes to a verb in a simple tense, the adverb is generally placed after it. Look at the examples below, they illustrate cases of frequent errors in the placement of the adverb since the Spanish speaker tends to put the adverb before the verb.
- Il passe toujours ses vacances dans ce petit village.
He always spends his holidays in this little town.
- Ne l’appelle pas encore. Don’t call him yet.
Tu as encore le temps. You still have time.
- Je voudrais bien que ce projet se réalise.
I would like this project to be done
When it comes to a verb in a compound tense, the adverb is usually placed between the auxiliary and the verb.
- Ils ont beaucoup travaillé.
They have worked a lot.
- Tu as peu slept ces temps-ci.
You have slept little lately.
- L’orage menaçait, elle est vite partie.
Threatened storm, he left quickly.
- Avez-vous déjà vu ces parages?
Have you already seen these packages.
- Je les ai souvent visités.
I have visited them many times.
- Ses parents ont tant souffert !
His parents have suffered so much!
- Je l ‘ai déjà vu.
I already saw it.
Degrees of the adverb
The comparison of equality tends to be conflictive, remember that a different adverb is used as the latter accompanies an adjective, another adverb, or a verb.
AUSSI + adjectives / adverbs THAT…
- C’et animal est aussi doux que les autres.
This animal is as tame as the others.
- Restez aussi longtemp que vous le voudrez.
Stay as long as you like.
AUTANT QUE + verbs
- Cette pierre brille autant que l’autre.
This stone shines as much as the other.
- La practique habituelle d’un sport faIt autant qu’un régime.
This stone shines as bright as the other.
- La pratique habituelle s’un sport fait autant qu’un régime.
The regular practice of a sport does as much as a regimen.
AUTANT DE + noun + QUE
- Cet appareil fait autant de bruit que celui d’avant.
This device makes as much noise as the previous one.
- Cette Pierre a autant d’éclat que les autres.
This stone has as much brilliance as the others.
Do not confuse the adverbs of quantity used to express the comparison with the adverbs that introduce an intensity. The following examples reflect intensity.
SI + adjectives / adverbs + QUE
- Il parle si lement que ceux qui l’écoutent s’endorment. (Tellement clearly…).
He speaks so slowly that those who listen to him fall asleep.
Compare with: Jean parle aussi lentement que Pierre/ Juan speaks as slowly as Pedroi.
- Il fait si froid que l”etang a gelé.
It’s so cold the pond has frozen.
Compare to : Il fait aussi froid que l’année dernière / It’s as cold as last year
TANT + verbs / nouns + QUE
- Elle a tant fait qu’elle a obtainu ce qu’elle voulait.
He has done so much that he has achieved what he wanted.
Compare with: J’ai autant travaillé que toi, et je n’ai pas réussi.
I have studied as much as you and I have not passed.
- Elle a fait tant de démarches qu’elle a obtau ce qu’elle voulait.
He has made so many efforts that he has achieved what he wanted.
Compare with: Elle a fait autant de démarches que les aitres ..
He has made as many steps as the others…