Some tips for learning languages

Some tips for learning languages
To learn a language you have to be motivated, otherwise, it will be very difficult to study it if you do not have reasons that are interesting for you and give you the strength to persist. Trying to dazzle an Englishman with your Spanish is not reason enough. Regardless of whether you are motivated or not, once you decide to study, for example English, the important thing is to commit yourself.
If you are not motivated yet, set a goal for yourself , out of sheer pride, the need to overcome yourself may manifest within you and propose small achievements at the beginning, when you see that you fulfill them, the interest to continue will develop within you.
If you can study accompanied
Experiences tell us that mutual pressure between two students stimulates the appetite to learn the language . The fact that one advances more than the other is an incentive for the laggard, out of sheer pride, to decide to do their best to catch up and surpass his partner. Naturally, it is a fair “race”.
Having a partner is a good way to study. Having someone to talk to is the idea behind learning a new language.
Talk to yourself
As is logical, if you cannot find someone to accompany you to study a foreign language, it is advisable to speak to yourself. According to experience. “It might sound really strange, but talking to yourself in a language is a great way to practice if you can’t use it all the time . “
Have fun studying
It is clear that speaking in your new language, no matter how little you know is a very creative act.
The Super Polyglot Bros are known to have practiced Greek by writing and recording songs. This is why imagination is very important. Think of fun ways to practice what you’ve learned, even if it’s still little. Write poems, songs, whatever you want. Having fun studying languages is essential to maintain interest in it.
Act like a child
As you well know, humans learn by making mistakes. As a child, mistakes are frequent due to lack of experience, but an adult is ashamed of making mistakes and this is a reason to give up some efforts, so that they do not consider them clumsy. It is as if it were a sin to make a mistake when you’re older.
When it comes to learning a language, admitting that you don’t know everything is the key to growth and freedom. Let go of your adult inhibitions!
Not be afraid to speak
When you decide not to be afraid of being wrong, it is also the moment when you firmly decide to want to develop and improve. You don’t care how much you’ve learned and you talk to strangers in your new language: talking to strangers in the language, asking for directions, ordering food, trying to tell a joke. The more often you do this, the bigger your comfort zone and the more comfortable you will be in new situations. Fear and prejudice will disappear and you will understand that error gives you the strength to move forward.
Naturally, at the beginning, you will find yourself with difficulties: for example in pronunciation, perhaps grammar, syntax or you really do not understand the sayings of your new language. Do not worry. The most important thing is to always develop this feeling in order to correct yourself.
Listen carefully
Although it may be hard to believe, it is necessary to learn to listen before you can learn to speak . Every language sounds strange the first time you hear it. However, the more you expose yourself to it, the more familiar it will become, making it easier for you to speak and understand.
Observe others when they speak
As you must already know, languages place different demands on the tongue, lips and throat, because it turns out that pronunciation requires both physical and mental effort.
Perhaps a way to learn pronunciation. One way is to watch someone say words that use a sound that is difficult for you to pronounce, and then try to imitate that sound as much as possible. It may be difficult at first, but surely you will end up mastering it. Given the experiences in this regard, this is something that is done without any difficulty; then it’s about practicing and practicing.
In this regard it is also very effective to watch movies and television in your new language. It is a good substitute for learning.
In conclusion
It is evident that our advice has its focus on those who are undecided, those who usually put obstacles that do not exist, to take a step forward in those who in a certain way fascinate, but do not dare to approach, the study of the foreign language, which would make you very excited.
Is there a proper way to approach language learning? There are a multitude of ways to study a new language and they depend on the personal circumstances of the prospective student. But everyone is empowered to learn, the mystery is revealed when one knows himself and is able to overcome its drawbacks. Therefore, the important thing is to immerse yourself and practice your new language every day, once you know about your shortcomings and that you have made the intention to achieve it. In reality, purpose and intention play the key role in succeeding in trying.
The last tip
Record it for yourself and remember that the best possible outcome of speaking a language is communicating with others . Being able to have a simple conversation is a great reward in itself. And please don’t worry about your current ability to speak to a foreigner. He will love that you want to communicate with him in his language. You know that most people will be patient, encouraging, and happy to please you.
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