How is the Catalan test for teachers’ public examination?

The Catalan government’s Department of Education has published the call for competitive examinations 2021 for the Body of Teachers and also for the Bodies of Teachers of Secondary Education and Vocational Training, with a total offer of 3,490 places.
Next, we pass on due information for those who from other communities of the Spanish state are interested in presenting themselves to said oppositions.
General requirements
Here are some of the requirements to be able to access the Catalan opposition tests:
- Have Spanish nationality, or that of other member states of the European Union or of the states in which, by virtue of international treaties signed by the European Union and ratified by Spain, the free movement of workers is applicable.
- Have reached the age to be able to access the public function and not exceed, at the time of appointment as a career civil servant, the age established, in general, for retirement.
- Be in possession, or meet the conditions for issuance, of any of the degrees that this base determines for each body
- Not to suffer any illness or any physical or mental limitation incompatible with the exercise of the functions corresponding to the body and the specialty in which it is chosen.
Opposition phase in Catalonia
We summarize below the main characteristics of the tests of the opposition phase based on the latest calls for Teachers and Professors in this Community. We have included all the characteristics to provide you with a generic scheme, so we advise you to go to the last call of your teaching body and check from there the specific specifications that are contemplated in relation to the development of the tests for your specialty.
Carrying out the test in Spanish and Catalan, of oral and written expression.
- The written test consists of the elaboration of a formal text of a minimum of two hundred words on a topic related to the teaching practice or with didactic aspects of the corresponding specialty, and of the answer to specific questions that allow to demonstrate that the examinee has a good command of the linguistic system and who knows how to use the forms, structures and vocabulary of the Catalan language and the Spanish language with correctness and precision, as appropriate for each test.
- With regard to oral language, you will have to read the text made in the written test and make a presentation in a formal register on a topic related to teaching.
- To obtain the qualification of apt, it is necessary to pass the two tests.
- To take the two-language test, the applicant has two hours.
- Applicants who certify oral and written knowledge of the Catalan language of a level equivalent to or higher than the certificate of Catalan proficiency (C1) , which corresponds to the linguistic competences of the level, are exempt from the completion of the oral and written part of the Catalan language C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference.
Catalan test: what is the exam like?
Those people who cannot prove the Catalan qualification required for a position, must pass a specific test in the mandatory and eliminatory selection processes. The official Catalan language exams at different levels and in the different selection processes consist of two different tests:
Written test:
- Mastery of written expression will be assessed by carrying out syntactic knowledge exercises to understand the Catalan language related to the places that are the subject of the call.
Oral test:
- Oral expression will be assessed through a conversation on general topics.
Catalan exam: Required level
In Catalonia, the regulations of the Public Function Law of 2002 apply to the Administration of the Generalitat, local corporations, university services, staff of their autonomous entities and staff of consortia in which some of these institutions mainly participate.
In all these cases, it will be necessary to accredit a level of Catalan that depends on the position to which you aspire . This is the structure according to professional levels
Group A:
- If you have specialized tasks in linguistic subjects, level D or higher is compulsory.
- For the rest of group A, proficiency level C will be required, with a moderately formal or normal language.
Groups B, C and D:
- Knowledge of proficiency level (C), intermediate (B) or elementary (A) will also be required, depending on the position and the functions they must perform.
Group E:
Group E; must accredit an intermediate level (B), the trades personnel of this group, basic level (A). In Catalonia, level B is obtained automatically after completing EGB and FP1 studies in this territory. Level C is acquired by those who complete ESO, BUP, Bachillerato and FP2. In case of having a higher level than required, this could be valued as a merit.
Regarding the recognition of the corresponding level of Catalan, the certificates of Catalan language studies of the ESO and the baccalaureate require homologation by the General Directorate of Language Policy.
You must bear in mind that, without this homologation, these academic certificates will not accredit the official level of knowledge of the Catalan language required in the corresponding calls.
Catalan Exam: Exemptions
Applicants who certify a level equivalent to or higher than the certificate of proficiency in Catalan, which corresponds to the C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference, will be exempt from the Catalan test .
Regarding exemptions, temporary staff and temporary staff may be exempted from accrediting language skills. It also contemplates that people from the European Union and non-EU people must prove knowledge of Catalan and Spanish to access public service.
Catalan oppositions exam: How to prepare it?
Naturally, the preparation that we must acquire is in line with the level of Catalan and the test that we are preparing. Once here, we must ask ourselves , how should we prepare for our Catalan exam?
Prepare the written test
- You must do tests and repeat them. In this way, it is the best way of being able to adapt to the format that is required for the opposition exams. This way you can learn to avoid traps and avoid mistakes that are included in the questionnaires. In these matters, it should be considered that the fundamental thing is practice. This will make it easier for you to avoid excess.
- When you are doing your preparatory exercises, do not forget to pay attention to the score , which will be very positive for you when you face the exam.
Text quality
- Be aware that in the exam you will have to complete a writing section . In the preparation you must use the dictionary as one of the most effective work tools. It is vitally important that you monitor the spelling, image and consistency of the texts.
Prepare the oral test
You are looking for topics from previous calls , this will help you a lot when it comes to practice. If you can, do it in a group. This method is very positive or even recording or in front of a mirror, which will help you to take care of your body language, intonation and pronunciation.
Internet is very important
Get all kinds of tools that have proven their usefulness, such as: study forums, groups or learning platforms.
As you well know, the Catalan exam has become one of the most important requirements of the competitive examinations. The best advice is that you keep in mind that work discipline and practice are the two fundamental axes of your preparation.