Demonstrative pronouns in French

Demonstrative pronouns in French
Demonstrative pronouns in French are used to designate a particular person or thing . Generally speaking, French demonstrative pronouns substitute for a noun that is preceded by a demonstrative adjective. On the other hand, compound forms are used to designate proximity or distance, in space or time.
In this article we are going to offer you simple and clear explanations with their examples, which will allow you to learn everything you need to be able to correctly use the different forms of the French pronouns as well as the demonstrative determiners.
Simple forms:
Remember that the adjectives are: Ce, Cet, Cette, Ces
Written language
Singular | Male CELUI Female CELLE |
Plural | Male CEUX Female CELLES |
These forms are used:
Followed by the particles d ‘/ de / du / / des
- Il a lost his montre et celle de sa soeur ( montre , feminine in French) / He has lost his watch and that of his sister.
- Elles s’occupent de leur chien et de celui de leurs voisins, du voisin, d’un voisin / They take care of their dog and that of their neighbors
- Consider you problème mais also ceux des autres. / Consider your problems but also those of others
As an antecedent of a relative pronoun:
- I will locate your troisème, celui qui est musicien . / The tenant of the third, the one who is a musician.
- celui que nous voyons tous les dimanches. / The one we see every Sunday.
- Celui don’t understand to speak to the radio . The one talked about on the radio.
You should not confuse the relative with the conjunction “that” + personal pronoun:
- Celui qui (qu’il -incorrect) est musicien.
- La personne dont tu m’as parlé, celle qui (qu’elle -incorrecto-L) savait parler plusieurs langues / The person you told me about, the one who knew how to speak several languages.
Compound forms
They are built with the particles –ci and là
SINGULAR | Male CELUI Female CELLE | −− CI |
PLURAL | Male CEUX Female CELLES | −−LÀ |
As in the case of the demonstrative adjective, these forms serve to differentiate:
- Proximity or distance.
- Passe-moi les classaus: ceux-ci non, ceux-là , ils sont plus grands. / Give me the scissors: Not these, those that are older.
- Opposition or distinction between two elements.
- Ces deux tableaux ne semblent pas du même peintre; celui-ci n’a pas the characteristic memes that celui-là.
These two paintings do not look like the same painter: this one does not have the same characteristics as the other.
Neutral forms
- CE , is used as the antecedent of a relative pronoun:
EC |
- I know that j’affirme est exact . What I claim is accurate.
- Ce qui se passe ici est étrange . What happens here is strange .
- Je ne vois pas ce dont on m’accuse . I don’t see what I’m being accused of .
- C’est ce à quoi je I thought . That is what I am thinking.
C ‘+ verb être
In the case of the expression c’est (C ‘+ verbe être) the neuter pronoun C’ has no translation in Spanish. In the example that follows, you have the application of ce = lo , and c ‘ without translation.
- Ce qui compte c’est mon temps . / Enter a strong statement.
- Partir, c’est mourir un peu / Partir, is to die a little.
- Votre unique solutionb, c ‘est dans le premier SAUTER plane / His only solution is to take the first plane
- Dans une discussion il ne faut pas s’ échauffer: c’est primordial. / In a discussion, do not get overheated: it is essential.
Integrated into the verb, ” c ‘est” serves to emphasize the action of the subject.
C’est |
C’est |
- Remember the use of the tonic personal pronoun in the following forms.
- C’est moim c’est toi, c’est lui / elle
- C’est (sing) nous, c’est vous, c’est eux / elles
CECI is little used in today’s language, CELA and especially ÇA in spoken French, cover all jobs.
Donnez-moi is jealous. Ne touche pas à ça. De ça, n’en parle pas.
Mais ça brûle, ça! (ça is frequently related to an inanimate entity.
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