Tips for the study method of French

Tips for the study method of French
If you study French alone through a textbook, it is advisable to use a correct methodology and be attentive, because many times you can fall into the trap, especially if you have a university or other exam.
Due to the fact that French is closely related to Spanish , we sometimes forget that the differences and this causes us to make mistakes that are quite ugly when we try to speak with a native speaker, or anyone who handles it fluently. For that reason we give you the following tips for the use of a good work methodology.
Proceed to a thorough textual analysis
Read the text carefully. Rushing, or approaching a sentence too quickly, results in the following type of error:
Nous allons parcourir les chemins remplis de soleil
( We are going to travel the roads full of sun (we have traveled = incorrect))
Morphosyntax (verbs)
- Underline them
This way you can better control the mode, the time, and the person. We recommend that, systematically, in your personal work sessions, you try to remember the most used tenses of the verbs that you find in your translations.
The times faithfully reflect the intention of the text:
- Changea , is not “change” but “it camb tio “.
- s’installe ront, It is not “installed”, but “will be installed ”.
- elle restera, is not “stays” but “stays at “.
- On entend it, is not “hear” but is “oy or “
A present is not a past imperfect or a simple past perfect.
- In the case of reverse translation, pay special attention to verb endings (endings). Its mechanics are quite simple
Present indicative
- In the three persons singular:
Verbs ending in -ER in the infinitive type: chanter (regular verbs), and some irregular verbs in –IR (cuellir, offrir, ouvrir, for example):
Heh… .. E
You… .. IS
Il …… E
- In the other verbs, the alternation of:
Heh …… .S / X, je crois / je veux
You …… .S / X, you connais / your peux
Il …… ..T / D. il part / il compre
Je ne compreS rien, Je vienS, Je doisS, Je peuX (not to be confused with the plural peuVENT ).
- In the three persons of the plural:
Nous…. ONS, nous croyons / nous voulons
Vous…. EZ, vous connaissez / vous pouvez
Ils …… ENT, ils partent / ils comprennent
Attention! Vous fai tes vous di tes
Nous auronS, feronS, ils auronT, feronT
Verbs ending in –ER in the infinitive (parler, envoyer, acheter) do not have -S in the second person singular:
Apell E- moi / ne sue me pas
- Compare with other verbs:
faiS, croiS, écriS, metS ce que je dis
- Infinitive
Verbs ending in –ER:
I thought) R
- But
Drive) E
Don’t confuse the future with the conditional
Je connaitrai, je saurai, / Je connaîtraiS, je sauraiS.
Some important irregularities:
Disons, faisons , but DITES, FAITES
Lexical crosses
Be very aware of the existence of homonyms.
Je croiS , (I think) / la croiX (the cross)
Il peuT boire du lait / un peu de lait
Attention où are T ses amis . (3rd person plural of the verb être)
Où est son amie, (3rd person possessive adjective)
Spelling problems caused by the non-distinction between:
S (z) voiced and S (s) voiceless: ils diSent.
Write down the contrastive structures and turns.
Remember ! Some accents have differentiating value:
À / a. Je vais à Paris / cette ville a beaucoup d’attrait.
Où / ou. Je ne sais pas où aller / à la plage ou à la mer.
It is all about paying due attention to each case.
Not translate free a plural for singular and vice versa . It seems logical, however, this error is frequent. This observation serves both for direct and reverse translation.
- Example: explain – moi (explain me), it translates “explain me” in 80% of the cases.
Study of French: Lexicon. How to study it?
- Write down the unknown words.
- Divide them into groups to facilitate vocabulary learning
- Noun / Adjectives / Verbs / Turns.
- Check the gender and exact equivalence of words in your dictionary
- Attention to false friends: Succés = success, not event (événement) / Large = width, not length (long) / Name = number, not name (nom)
Finally, remind you that you have all the calls available on the number 1 language registration platform .