39 angry phrases (meaning & examples)

There are a number of phrasal verbs in English that address very diverse topics that can be used in various situations. That is why, in this article, we will talk about phrasal verbs that are often used to express anger.
Do not be mad!
Indeed, as people that we are, sometimes we have occasions that are somewhat difficult to control and anger can immediately spread. And without being able to remedy those situations, it is a bit difficult for us to maintain calm, temperance, and serenity. So, in this article, you will learn how to describe their outrage and anger in English. In particular, you can describe the reason for your bad mood.
Get to somebody
This compound verb in English means to upset, bother, or exasperate someone, or affect in some negative way. Annoy or exasperate someone, or affect them in any negative way.
For example:
- Smoking gets to me.
Fumar me afecta.
- The heat was beginning to get to me so I went indoors.
El calor empezaba a afectarme, así que entré.
Wind somebody up
The second phrasal verb on our list means to make someone irritated, annoyed, or angry. Make someone feel irritated, upset, or angry.
For example:
- Our politicians wind me up.
Nuestros políticos me terminan.
- He always knows how to wind me up.
Siempre sabe cómo ponerme nervioso.
Piss somebody off
You are probably familiar with this informal expression. It is heard quite often in movies and television shows, especially those intended for a young audience. The phrasal verb “piss off” means to make angry, irritate. “To piss off” means to make angry, irritate.
For example:
- His behavior pisses me off.
Su comportamiento me cabrea.
- She never does any washing up, and it’s starting to piss me off.
Nunca lava los platos y eso me empieza a cabrear.
Work somebody up
This compound verb, make someone work, means “to make someone angry or upset “. When said with respect to oneself, it means to become inordinately worried about something.
For example:
- Try not to work yourself up on the exams.
Trate de no esforzarse en los exámenes.
- My brother works me up. He knows how to make me angry.
Mi hermano me hace trabajar. Él sabe cómo hacerme enojar.
Tick somebody off
This phrasal verb means “to annoy; to make angry”.
For example:
- The teacher ticks me off.
El profesor me molesta.
- Mary ticks me off when she’s trying to make everything perfect.
Mary me molesta cuando intenta que todo sea perfecto.
Blow up
This phrasal verb means to have a sudden, sharp burst of anger. It usually involves yelling at someone in anger.
For example:
- When I see them together, I could just blow up.
Cuando los vea juntos, podría explotar.
- My dad blew up when he saw the bill.
Mi papá estalló cuando vio la factura.
Freak out
This is another popular expression you’ve probably heard. It means “being angry, surprised, excited or scared to the point of having difficulty controlling yourself.”
Let’s move on to a few different words in English that mean the same as “angry.” We have placed these synonyms in anger below in order from least strong to strongest. So if you are looking for a word to say that you are ‘a little angry’, choose one near the top of the list and if you are looking for a word to say that you are ‘really angry’, choose a word from the part bottom of the list.
- Mad
- Irritated
- Indignant
- Furious
- Incensed
- Livid
- Outraged
Here are some examples of how to use these words:
- I’m so mad right now I can’t talk to you.
Estoy tan enojado en este momento que no puedo hablar contigo.
- I get so irritated by Jill I can’t be around her.
Me irrita tanto Jill que no puedo estar cerca de ella.
- Thomas is indignant that he was not given the raise he was expecting.
Thomas está indignado porque no le dieron el aumento que esperaba
- My mother was furious when we broke the window while playing ball in the house.
Mi madre se puso furiosa cuando rompimos la ventana mientras jugamos a la pelota en la casa.
- I’m so incensed I can’t think straight!
¡Estoy tan indignado que no puedo pensar con claridad!
- You should be outraged that the person who hit your car just drove away.
Debería estar indignado de que la persona que golpeó su automóvil se haya marchado.
- Sammy was livid when he found out his computer was stolen.
Sammy estaba lívido cuando se enteró de que le habían robado la computadora.