10 typical things you learn when you live abroad

10 typical things you learn when you live abroad
Today we wanted to bring you a post on curiosities, and what better than to know what are the 10 typical things that you learn when you live abroad? We know that there are many more, in fact, each country has its own, as is logical. But we wanted to take a little bit of each and bring it to you.
We started!
1. First of all, a custom I learned when I traveled to Switzerland, and that is that it is typical to drink mulled wine there. But not hot, warm, no; hot that Frodo might as well have melted the ring there instead of beating himself up to go to Mordor. And on top of that, as our “friend” Cersei tells us, as soon as they throw it at you they tell you very smiling: Drink!
2. This custom is very widespread in the countries that we have above us, where the cold really squeezes. There is to finish work, and nothing to go home to rest, nothing of that. Everyone to the bar to drink beers. But don’t think they are going to drink straws, no, no; nothing less than jugs and pints of beers.
3. Another typical thing that you learn when you live abroad and that will haunt you when you return, still causing giggles among your friends is that, you will learn to pronounce Primark correctly!
4. When you live abroad, you take advantage of the slightest bit of good weather to make any plan outdoors. Do some drops begin to fall? Nothing happens! It’s not like here that we collect our belongings at the minimum and go home. There a few drops of nothing do not mean the end of a barbecue.
5. One thing that strikes us when we return to Spain is how “rude” we are, while here a thank you ends any conversation in an establishment; furthermore, they can say thank you more than 5 times only while they are charging you.
6. You learn to use other means of transportation. In Spain we are gradually getting used to being more environmentally friendly and using our bikes stored in the garage. But when you live abroad, the weird thing is not using your bike every day to go to work, shopping, or to the meeting point with your friends.
7. Children from the north are not cold. Here tell me what child does not come out lined that only his eyes are seen in winter. In the north, since they are newborns they are exposed to the cold. The parents enter the establishment, leaving the baby carriages at the doors. And social affairs does nothing hey….
8. This point is related to number 4, if in the face of minimal good weather, outdoor plans arise; With a single ray of sunlight, we can see people lying in bikinis in the most unexpected places. My curious place is the river Seine, incredible that they do not fall with those slopes.
9. You learn other ways to say hello. In each country they greet in a different way, it is not strange that someone who travels to France makes a mess with kisses (there are 3), or goes to London and kisses, when they are more than giving the hand.
10. Watch series and movies in VO (preferably in English). It is still rare for a Spaniard who lives in Spain (and have not lived abroad) to see their favorite shows on VO (if they do, it is because one day they discovered the great difference that exists). But if you live abroad, and you want to come back, you will never understand how your friends can watch dubbed series.
So far our compilation of the 10 typical things you learn when you live abroad, what others do you know? Which one surprised you the most?
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