Prefixes in English

Prefixes in English
- Prefix
- Affixes
- The importance of the meaning of the prefix
- Where does the prefix come from?
The prefix is a letter or group of letters that appears at the beginning of a word and changes the original meaning of the word.
Nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs tend to use different suffixes, so this makes it a bit easier to remember! Collectively, prefixes and suffixes are known as “affixes.”
The importance of the meaning of the prefix in English
As we said before, the prefix is a letter or a group of letters that is attached to the beginning of a word and helps to indicate or modify its meaning . A simple example would be the same word “prefix”. It begins with the prefix pre, which means “before.”
It is very important to understand what the different prefixes mean, as they can help you understand the meaning of any new vocabulary you learn. However, you need to be careful, as sometimes an English prefix can have more than one meaning.
- Un ejemplo puede ser im-, que puede significar “no” o “en”. / An example would be im-, this can mean ‘not’ or ‘into’.
Where does the Prefix come from?
The prefix of is of Latin origin . It is used to indicate deprivation, removal, separation, denial, descent, inversion or intensity.
- Decide(Decidir),dehumidify (deshumidificar), degrade (degradar), detract (restar), deduce (deducir), decompose (descomponer), decentralize (descentralizar), desensitize desensibilizar, deconstruct (deconstruir), demoralize (desmoralizar), defrost (descongelar), destroy (destruir), etc.
Prefix inter-
The prefix inter-comes from Latin. The prefix can be used to modify various types of words.
- Interact (Interactuar), intercede (interceder), interlude (interludir), intercept (interceptar), intersect (cruzar), intercom (intercomunicar), interim (interino), interject (interponer), intermediate (intermedio), international (internacional), internet (internet), interrupt (interrumpir), intertwine (entrelazar), interview (entrevista), etc.
Prefix pro-
Pro- is a very versatile prefix . It is used to describe an affinity for something. It can also describe priority in space and time, as well as denote advancement or indicate substitution.
- ProBritish(Probritánico),proactive (proactivo), Provision (provisión), Prologue (prólogo), Proceed (procede)r, Produce (producir), Protract (prolonga)r, procrastinate (procrastinar) Prohibit (prohibir), provoke (provocar), Pronounce (pronunciar), etc.
Prefix ex-
The prefix ex- is easy to use , because it is most commonly separated by hyphens. It means no or sin , and can indicate a previous status or title.
- Ex-wife (Ex-esposa), ex-boyfriend (ex-novio), ex-girlfriend (ex-novia), ex-member (ex-miembro), ex-president (ex-presidente), ex-convict (ex-convicto), exhume (exhumar), ex-husband (ex-esposo), etc.
Prefix un-
The prefix un- is easy to use because it just means no . It can be attached to all word forms so that they mean the opposite of what they originally mean.
- Unfair Injusto, unemployed desempleado, unseen Invisible, unfeeling insensible, uninformed Desinformado, undisputed indiscutible, unheard inaudito, unrest malestar, unable incapaz, unhappy infeliz, uncooked crudo, unzip descomprimir, etc.
Prefix re
It is originally from Latin. It means again, or describes something that is repeating itself , and it can also mean backwards to denote a regression.
Examples :
- Regenerate (Regenerar), refurbish (renovar), reimburse (reembolsar), revert (revertir), retract (retractar), retype (reescribir), reconsider (reconsiderar), revolt (rebelar), renew (renovar), reveal (revelar), redistribute (redistribuir), reconcile (reconciliar), restock (reabastecer), etc.
Prefix mis-
Mis- is a very versatile prefix and can be applied to many different types of words . It means bad, wrong, incorrect and generally has a negative context.
Examples :
- misinformed (mal informado), misaligned (mal alineado), misspell (mal escrito), misread (mal leído), misuse (mal uso), mispronounce (mala pronunciación), mishear (mal oído), mistrial (juicio erróneo), misprint (errata), mistrust (desconfianza), misbehavior (mala conducta), etc.
Prefix with
The prefix con- is used with nouns, adjectives, and some verbs . It means together, united, in addition to denoting a group of people, ideas or things.
Examples :
- Confirm (confirmar), congregation (congregar), console (consolar), converge (converger), consult (consultar), confederation (confederar), conjoined (unir), conjecture (conjeturar), confluence (confluir), contingent (contingente),
Prefix prefix
The prefix pre- comes from Latin and applies to several different words. It means before or in front of.
Examples :
- Preset (preajuste), prevént (prevenir), prepay (prepago), preschool (preescolar), prewar (preguerra), prefrontal prefrontal, prenatal (prenatal), predetermined (predeterminado), prehistoric (prehistórico), pretrial (pre-juicio), preheat (precalentamiento), precaution (precaución).
Prefix im-
The prefix im- is a negative prefix , which means that it is used to change the meaning of a word to negative. It can be applied to many different types of words, especially nouns and adjectives.
Examples :
- Impossible (imposible), impatient (impaciente), imperfect (imperfecto), immature (inmaduro), impurity (impuro), impartially (imparcial), immobilized (inmovilizado), immaculate (inmaculado), impassive (impasible), etc.
Prefix ad-
The prefix ad- comes from Latin. It means towards, to, with respect to, or in relation to. It can also describe the addition or union.
Examples :
- Administer (Administrar), advertise (publicitar), adhere (adherir), addition (agregar), admonish (amonestar).
Anti- prefix
The prefix anti- means against, opposite or in opposition to something . It is used to form compound words that mean the opposite of their original meaning. Also, it is usually divided with hyphens.
Examples :
- Antiseptic (Antiséptico), anti-hero (antiheroe), antidote (antídoto), antifreeze (anticogelante), antisocial (antisocial), antiviral (antiviral), antibiotic (antibiótico), antibody (anticuerpo), antiwar (antibelicista), anti-government (antigubernamental).
Auto prefix
The prefix self- means myself, spontaneous or self-sufficient . It is used to create compound words and can be used in various types of words.
Examples :
- Autobiography (Autobiografía), automotive (automotriz), autopilot (piloto automático), autograph (autógrafo), automobile (automóvil), automatic (automático), autonomy (autonomía), autocratic (autocrático), autocorrect (autocorrector), autodidact (autodidacta).
And this is everything related to prefixes in English, in addition, we leave you before saying goodbye to the next available calls.