Level C1 of Valencian

The C1 level certificate accredits a command of the use of the language in the standard variety, both oral and written, of an experienced user. It allows communicating satisfactorily through the standard variety in communicative situations that require the use of a formal or moderately formal language.
Area | Value | Duration |
Written comprehension | 10% | 1 hour |
Linguistic structures | 20% | and 30 minutes |
Written expression | 35% | 2 hours |
Oral expression and interaction area | 35% | ± 25 minute |
The duration of the oral expression and interaction area includes the preparation time.
Written comprehension
Understands a wide range of long and complex texts, differentiates main ideas from secondary ideas and recognizes implicit meanings.
- Discern basic and accessory information in a wide variety of long and complex written texts.
- It includes formal and informal written correspondence and exchanges, although occasionally you may have to use consultation tools.
- It can cover a wide range of literary texts (poems, short stories, contemporary short stories, novels and theater) based on real or invented events, and can appreciate differences in style.
- Understand contemporary texts where the writer adopts opinions, points of view and personal strategies.
- Can understand complex argumentative and opinion texts , while being able to follow abstract argumentation, evaluating alternatives and drawing conclusions.
- Understand a wide range of social and professional texts, and identify subtle details that include the attitude and opinions of the author both implicit and explicit.
- Capture humor, irony and misunderstandings.
- Can use contextual, grammatical and lexical clues to infer an attitude, predisposition or intention.
Linguistic structures
Constantly maintains a high degree of correction that adjusts to the grammatical regulations and the communication needs of each exchange; errors are rare.
- It uses a varied and rich lexicon , with precision, and makes good use of the phraseology of the language.
- It has a correct pronunciation appropriate to formal registers , and it can vary the intonation and melodic curve of the sentence correctly in order to express shades of meaning.
- Master the advanced rules of use of spelling signs and is able to use them naturally, including exceptions to the general rules. It is able to correct the difficulties related to the advanced rules of the spelling of vowel and consonant sounds.
- It controls morphology appropriate to formal contexts and avoids cases of morphological interference inappropriate for the general standard language. He knows the difficulties presented by the morphology of the noun and the adjective and can solve them with relative ease.
- Uses the verbal morphology of the formal varieties of Valencian and standard (Irregular verbs, pure and inchoative verbs, velarized and non-velarized forms, irregular forms of the participants and gerunds, imperative forms and double alternative verb forms). Master pronoun morphosyntax.
- He masters the uses and syntactic functions of the various grammatical categories and of the basic and complex linguistic structures, and knows how to apply them with naturalness and precision and adapt them to the general formal language.
- He uses vocabulary with remarkable lexical precision and has almost no lexical interference.
- He has mastered a broad lexical and phraseological repertoire that allows him to express clearly and without restriction what he wants to say, easily overcome gaps by circumlocuting and using idioms and colloquial words, although he may, from time to time, make some insignificant vocabulary errors.
- Know the characteristics of the specialty lexicon .
- He is able to produce well-constructed texts (appropriate to the context and coherent) and to apply complex mechanisms of cohesion and textual adaptation (substitutions, presuppositions, understood, inferences, ironies…).
- Know the characteristics of the records and the general geographic varieties.
Written expression and interaction
You can write texts of different types and genres, clear, precise and well structured , on complex topics. Can interact flexibly and effectively in writing, choosing appropriate expressions from a wide repertoire of discursive functions and with a high command of linguistic mechanisms.
- Is able to express himself through clear, coherent and cohesive written texts on a wide range of topics.
- You can write explanatory, descriptive and narrative texts about real or imaginary events, clear, detailed and well constructed, with a personal and natural style appropriate to the reader to whom they are addressed, and integrate different subtopics into the texts, develop particular points and end with a appropriate conclusion.
- You are able to express yourself in your personal correspondence with clarity and precision , and with flexibility and efficiency; to express different degrees of emotions and to underline what they consider important about events or experiences of their own or of the recipient using allusion, humor or irony.
- You can summarize texts by discerning their basic and accessory information, synthesizing ideas and modifying, when appropriate, the structure.
- Take detailed notes during a conference on topics in your specialty and transcribe the information so accurately and true to the original that other people could use it.
- Express your point of view and write arguments related to various fields (private, work or academic).
- Underline the main ideas and expand and defend your points of view in an elaborate way, with complementary ideas, justifications and relevant examples to reach an appropriate conclusion.
- Produce a clear, fluid and well-structured speech that demonstrates a controlled use of organizational structures and cohesion mechanisms typical of the formal written language.
- He is capable of constructing new adequate, coherent and cohesive texts from texts that are taken as a reference.
- Adapt their written production to diverse readers and communicative functions and in other contextual variables.
Oral expression and interaction
- Express themselves fluently and spontaneously without many difficulties or stumbles, with their own elocution of formal registers and using linguistic mechanisms in a flexible and effective way for social, academic and professional purposes.
- Make presentations or descriptions of complex topics, in a clear and well structured way, developing and confirming their points of view with complementary ideas, justifications and suitable examples, and integrating secondary topics and expanding the specific points until reaching an appropriate conclusion.
- Interact in society with flexibility and efficiency, even in affective, allusive or humorous uses.
- Easily hold lively discussions , even on abstract, complex and unfamiliar topics; You can skillfully relate your own contribution to that of the other speakers, and you can ask questions to check that you have understood what the speaker has tried to say and clarify any ambiguous points.
- Express yourself fluently and spontaneously with little effort and without resorting to stereotypical expressions or avoidance strategies. Only a conceptually difficult topic can get in the way of the natural, smooth flow of the conversation.
- Participate fully in formal oral exchanges , such as in an interview as an interviewer or as an interviewee, and develop or assess the points discussed in a fluent way and without any help.
- Pronounce correctly and know how to use appropriate intonation to accurately convey nuances of meaning.
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