Everything you need to know about the verb ‘TO GET’

To get is a verb widely used in English, having very varied uses and meanings. The main meanings of the verb TO GET: obtain, get, seek, win. To get is an irregular verb, and its forms are “get”, “gets” and “got”. … Many times we use the past participle, “got”, together with the verb “to have” to talk about possession: I’ve got three new video games that I can’t wait to play! (¡Tengo tres nuevos videojuegos que no puedo esperar para jugar!).
The verb GET is one of the most important words in the English language, essential for any official English exam ! In this lesson, we will show you its most important meanings with examples from the past, present and future.
Multiple uses
It is common to use the verb “to get” in almost any situation, it is like a wild card. We say “get me the glass” instead of “bring me the glass”. We also say “I get to work” instead of “I go to work.” The verb “to get” has strength and is like a basic in terms of clothing, it goes with everything.
So it’s no wonder that it gets along with practically all prepositions, creating a world of different meanings that will be difficult for you to imagine. Here we show you some:
- It’s impossible to get along with my parents, they are very bossy.
Es imposible llevarse bien con mis padres, son muy mandones.
“To get by”
Get by with what you have, get by.
- I’ll get by on a short budget during my English program abroad.
Me las apañaré con poco presupuesto durante mi programa de inglés en el extranjero.
“To get away with” / “To get off”
Both are used interchangeably to indicate that someone has escaped punishment for having done something wrong or breaking a law.
- He knows how to cheat on her and get away with it.
Él sabe cómo engañarla y librarse del castigo.
However, “to get off” has more meaning. You will use it to indicate that you are leaving a place because it is time to leave.
The word ‘get’ has many meanings and ‘got’ is ‘get’ in the past :
- “Got” can substitute for the verb ‘to have”.
- “Get” is part of many idioms.
How do you get to the bus station from here? Gets also uses phrases in many verb combinations. She gets ten euros a week in pocket money from her parents.
(Sus padres le dan una paga de diez euros a la semana).They got what they deserved.
(Recibieron lo que se merecían).
Verbo | Pasado | Significado |
Get | got | conseguir |
This verb is one of the most used in daily conversations in English. The above phenomenon occurs due to its multiple meanings and the various interpretations that can occur depending on the context of the conversations.
Different interpretations
Usually this verb means “to get”, “to get” or “to receive”. Regularmente este verbo significa “obtener”, “conseguir” o “recibir”
- How do you get to the bus station from here?
¿Cómo llegas a la estación de autobús desde aquí?
- How long do you take to get to work every morning?
¿Cuánto tiempo tardas en llegar al trabajo cada mañana?
- Please, could you tell me how to get to Picadilly Circus?
Por favor ¿podría decirme cómo llegar a Picadilly Circus?
- I will get a good grade on the exam.
(Obtendré una buena nota en el examen).
- She got a letter from her father.
(Ella recibió una carta de su padre).
- Did you get my email?
¿Recibiste mi email?
- Where did you get this information?
¿Dónde obtuviste esta información?
- I got a raise.
Obtuve un aumento de sueldo.
Comprar (to get)
- I got a really nice car.
(Compré un carro muy bonito).
Vestirse (get dressed)
- She gets dressed at 8 am.
(Ella se viste a las 8 am)
Ir, llegar (expresa el movimiento o el desplazamiento):
- How can I get there?
¿Cómo puedo ir allí?
- To get on (the bus).
subirse (al bus).
- To get in (the car).
Subirse (al coche).
- To get away.
Llegar a la casa (get home)
- We got home late last night.
(Llegamos a la casa tarde anoche).
Llegar a un sitio (get to)
- We must get to the meeting before one o´clock.
Debemos llegar a la reunión antes de las una en punto.
- What time does the train get to Victoria station?
¿A qué hora llega el bus a la estación Victoria?
- I hope to get to work soon because I have to go to the hospital before.
Espero llegar al trabajo pronto porque tengo que ir antes al hospital.
- We got to Uruguay on Saturday.
(Llegamos a Uruguay el sábado).
Levantarse (get up)
- I don’t get up early on Sundays.
(No me levanto temprano los domingos).
Fatigarse o cansarse (get tired)
- When I play basketball, I get tired.
(Cuando juego baloncesto, me canso).
Enfermarse (get sick)
- I got sick on vacation.
(Me enfermé en vacaciones).
Reunirse (get together)
- My family gets together on Christmas Eve.
(Mi familia se reúne en nochebuena).
- Do you get it? Yes, I got it.
(¿Entiendes? Sí, entendí).
Compound verbs with ‘To get’
Get about
Obtener alreedor | Get at
Llegar a | Get in
entra | Get rid of
Deshacerse de |
Get above
Llegar arriba | Get away
Aléjate | Get into
Meterse en | Get round
soslayar |
Get across
Atravesar | Get back
Volver | Get off
Bajate | Get through
atravesar |
Get after
ir detras | Get behind
quedarse atrás | Get on
Subir a | Get to
llegar a |
Get ahead
salir adelante | Get by
arreglarselas | Get out | Get together
reunirse |
Get along with
Llevarse bien con | Get down
bajar | Get over
superar | Get up
levantar |
Get around
llegar | – | – | – |
- Why don’t we get to the beach so we can see the sunset?
¿Por qué no caminamos por la playa así vemos la puesta del sol
- Alan got above himself after being promoted to chief director.
Alan se volvió un engreído luego de haber sido nombrado director ejecutivo.
- How can I get my message across if nobody listens to me?
¿Cómo hago entender mi mensaje si nadie me escucha?
- Tony is always getting after me about how to solve my problems.
Tony se la pasa diciéndome cómo solucionar mis problemas.
- Sally’s really getting ahead in the investigation.
Sally realmente está progresando con la investigación.