
Each and every language in the world is unique and incredible. But it can also cause nightmares. And that’s mainly because, well, languages are unique and cannot be learned as translations of other languages . Naturally, this is because each language has its own idiomatic characteristics that are created and defined by its speakers, and it is within these idiomatic characteristics that we find what we call collocations in English. The term placement, despite what it may sound like in Spanish, is actually a very important concept in language learning.
What are collocations?
Collocations are two words that are often used together like a fixed phrase . For example, we say tall building instead of high building. We use collocations all the time in English, so learning and using them will make it sound much more natural.
Therefore, a placement in a language is a combination of words that go together with a certain frequency , perhaps some people take it as an idiom or a phrasal verb (verb phrase). However, this assessment is far from correct or is not necessarily true. The reality is that idioms and phrasal verbs are collocations, but we insist that not all collocations are idioms or Phrasal verbs.
That is to say…
Specifically, a placement is made up of two or more words that are commonly used together in English. Think of collocations as words that often go together. … Strong collocations are combinations of words that are expected to come together, such as combinations with “make and do” and (hacer): you make a cup of tea but you do your homework (preparas una taza de té, pero haces tu tarea).
Linguistic peculiarities
As a general rule, languages should not be, rather, they cannot be learned as a simple translation of another or other languages. Because it is logical that each language has some idiomatic peculiarities that its speakers create and establish and that is how, from these characteristics in English we call them collocations (colocaciones). Naturally, the term placement does not have as a concept in Spanish the importance it really has in language learning.
The value of collocations?
The collocations make the reference language sound natural hence its great importance. For this reason, if you master the collocations, your English will sound natural, that is, **
- I try to make my bed every morning. (NOT do my bed) / (Yo intento hacer la cama cada mañana. (NO preparar la cama))
- Sean likes to surf the web before going to bed. (NOT navigate the web) / (A Sean le gusta navegar por internet antes de irse a la cama. (NO surfear por internet))
What is the problem with collocations?
We can say that the placements are indeterminate in a way , because they usually do not seem to have any explanation and also their list is endless. It is easy for a student to wonder why his answer on a test is wrong. The truth is that it can be disconcerting and the worst thing is that the teacher in many cases only has to say in response that this is how it is used and nothing more.
So how should you study collocations?
You have to be aware that it is a language , therefore, as such, you have to approach it and avoid proceeding as if it were a translation of your own language. You must not admit that because we usually say “surf the internet” this is the correct formula in English, far from it. In this regard, you should also avoid translating word for word . Whenever you translate expressions to study them, you must do it with said expression in content that is clear and that reminds you of the expression.
Second, when you study new expressions, always introduce them where they meet as part of a sentence where it makes sense. For example, it is not normal to try to memorize that “get” is “conseguir” when you are faced with this phrase “I got home pretty late”, because “got” in it means “arrived.”
Learn the language in chunks (in Spanish, word blocks).
This means that you should focus on language as a sum of set phrases, rather than a sum of individual words. This point of view is based on Lewis’s lexical approach.
When you learn a new grammar point, don’t focus on the rules. You must understand the rules, but you must focus on the sound of that grammar structure . Repeat this and use it until it sounds natural and automatic. A clear example of this is how we use conditional sentences.
It is very important to learn from your mistakes . One wrong answer will teach you more than ten correct answers. If you make a mistake, try to memorize what you did wrong so you don’t do it again.
Do not despair!
It is very important because it is normal to have trouble sounding natural in a foreign language. However, you must work hard and make the most of all the exercises you do. If it does, you are sure to eventually see an improvement in your skills.
Use the dictionary . The more the better. OZDIC is an extremely good collocation dictionary. After writing a piece, read it and search for keywords in OZDIC. You will be amazed at the variety of collocations you can use!
We hope you try all these tips and find them very useful. And don’t forget to check the closest call for any official English exam .